DO NOT dispose of flammable, explosive, or burningmaterials in this trash can.
If garbage exceeds the heating wire, open the bin
and use overload packing to prevent contact withflammable materials.
Continuous lid opening may indicate a shadowblocking the sensor. Place the bin in an unobstructedarea.
Dimensions: 11.2"(L)x 11.2"(W)x 13.7"(H).Pleasemeasure your space before purchasing.
Trash Bag Refill Information:Each touchless trash canincludes a manual, charging cable, and an installed refillring (25 bags, lasting 15-20 days). For more refills,choose custom replacement bags Intre-02 (available inthe product description or IntreLife Store).
Technology Meets Art:The IntreLife smart trash canfeatures self-sealing and self-changing technology forhyglenic waste disposal,eliminating manual bagging. ltselegant design and bold colors reflect your artistic taste
Functional Home Décor:Searching for a stylish yetfunctional trash bin? The IntreLife smart trash cancombines sleek lines, powerful technology, and uniquecolors, making it a perfect fit for any room whileenhancing your decor.
Upgrade Your Home Experience:This user-friendlyautomatic trash can features a touchless lid opening anda manual button. Hold the button for 3 seconds to sealthe bag,which automatically drops a new one. Enjoy
nassle-free waste disposal.1-Year Guarantee:Your purchase is backed by a 1-yearguarantee.Please read the manual carefully, and feel freeto contact us with any questions. We're here to assistYOU!