#1 Top Seller of Vinyl Banners on TikTok!
Milweb1 LLC - Nick Christiansen!
Please note that design services are not included. When you place your order, you need to have your artwork ready for printing. TikTok requires us to provide tracking within two business days, or we must cancel the order to avoid a violation.
How to upload files:
Canva users, please export as PDF Print. See listing infographics on how to upload.
JPEGs can be sent through TikTok Shop but must be high-quality exports from Canva or other design software.
Print Ready Files:
Canva Users: PDF PRINT
Other Design Software: PDF, EPS, AI, TIFF, JPEG
No Bleeds, Design to actual size scale. Example: 2'x4' size would need a 24"x48" file setup.
DPI 72-300max